Design of bio-containers with targeted equipment for treatment of intestinal inflammatory diseases
The project proposes the development of a new technology for manufacturing a complex promised delivery system (SCPET). This SCPET will be physically, chemically, biologically and pharmacologically toxic. Inflammatory bowel diseases (BII) are chronic conditions (Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC)) that affect the entire gastrointestinal tract (GIT), especially in the colon. Drugs used to treat these conditions (ASACOL) use pH sensitive release technology, the active substance being coated with a methacrylic acid / methyl methacrylate copolymer which provides its protection in the stomach and allows its release into the intestine / colon. Clinical trials, however, claim that a release of 20-30% of the active substance in the stomach has been reported. Another problem with this type of medication is that once in physiological media with a pH> 7 there is a rapid release of the active substance and can be characterized by a low bioavailability. The present project has as a general objective the development of new biomass specially designed with an action oriented in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (BII). Thus, a new prodrug concept is proposed that targets phospholipases A2 (PLA2), enzymes found in significant quantities alongside mRNA in CD and UC affected areas. In the case of BII, the synthesized PLA2 concentration is correlated
presenting research projects; participation in inflammation. Because PLA2 hydrolyzes the ester linkages in the phospholipid structure (PL), a PL-based bioconjugate can be developed with a BII-specific active substance.